Free beats and "for rent". Why not use?
Free beats and "for rent". Why not use?
Recently, cases have become more frequent when someone else's cover (VK platform), the name of the track and the name of the artist suddenly clings to your track after a while. We have analyzed all these cases and would like to share recommendations on how to avoid such cases.
The reason is trivial: in all these cases, free or rental beats were used, as well as those that are already licensed in one way or another by other labels. How it happens: you make a track on a similar beat, send it for approval. If this beat is already used by someone and is licensed, we see it and honestly say that we cannot take the track. If this bit is not yet used and licensed, your track is negotiated and gets into the database. After a while, another artist logs in through another label. The system compares yours and another track and, according to the algorithms it guides, assigns the same title and cover to the tracks. When you are unlucky, someone else's cover on your track, when another artist is unlucky, everything happens exactly the opposite - your cover and title appears on his tracks.
From a legal point of view, you both are in an equal position: either you both in good faith acquired the bit and have equal rights, or neither he nor you have any rights to this bit and are not entitled to transfer it for licensing. That is, here you play the lottery, both in covers and in monetization.
What does it mean? This means that we must seize such tracks, and you decide the dispute yourself. This is very unpleasant, because you and we are losing profits, and you are also losing the funds that you spent on vocals recording, mixing, designer's work on the cover, advertising. Not only that, you have wasted a lot of time, but all efforts were in vain. Unfortunately, using bits like this is a ticking time bomb. And if the release flies, you can only blame yourself.
Colleagues, do not become the hero of the adage: "a miser pays twice" buy beats on a strictly exclusive basis with transfer of 100% copyright and neighboring rights, and also make sure that the creator of the beat removes it from sale after the deal with you. We do business with you, and any business requires invest