1What do I need to get started
2General questions
3How much will I get paid
4How music is published
5Digital stores
6Legal questions
7Music Promotion
Detailed trend report
You can see more details on this page..

1. Click on shop colored line in the Legend zone to filter data with this shop (all other shops data will hide). Top15 table will be reloaded and show only selected shop lines.
2. Click on other shop colored line in Legend to switch shop to display
3. Click on selected shop line once more time to turn shop filter off (all shops data will be shown)

Also you can filter data by releases/track (currently only from Top15)
- click on release line to filter data on selected track (this line will be highlighted, all othe greyed). Graph will show only data regarding to selected track.
- click on other line to change selected track
- click on selected track once more time to turn track filter off